Saturday, 20 August 2016

Numerous Marketers Agree that Personalized Marketing is the Future

Just how much of a big deal is personalization going to be? If a recent study from Adobe holds true, marketers will regard personalization highly in the next few years. More specifically, it’s the one capability that marketers will try to prioritize more in the future.

This study, aptly titled “Digital Roadblock: Marketers Struggle to Reinvent Themselves”, only shows how aware marketers are on how their roles will change in the next three years, though only a few of them expressed confidence in taking risks and embracing changes to remain competitive.

Mobile and Social Media as Marketing Vehicles

Personalization, however, is one of the last things marketers would prefer to focus on right now. The same study reveals that 61 percent of marketers see social media as the most critical marketing vehicle a year from now, while half of them cited mobile.

Personalizing Experiences Online and Offline

Though marketers are aware that personalized marketing will reign supreme in the future, a couple of brands have already integrated personalization in their physical stores and their digital counterpart. This is to meet consumers’ increasing demand for more personalized and customized services similar to what they experience in Amazon and Netflix.

With brands beginning to infuse personalized experiences to a consumer’s shopping journey, it’s only wise to follow suit, or risk losing customers. It helps to find providers offering solid solutions to personalized marketing campaigns. Yet, like most marketing strategies, investing in personalization begins with having the drive, perseverance, and creativity to provide consumers with a customized shopping experience that can make them feel valued.


Marketers Cite Personalization as Most Important to Marketing in Coming Years, Advertising Age

Why Personalization Is Key To The Future Of Marketing, Forbes

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