Monday, 15 August 2016

Follow these Simple Tips when Investing in Personalized Marketing

Sites like Amazon and Netflix continue to engage with their users even if the latter found what they’ve been looking for by introducing other options that they are most likely to enjoy. This is the foundation of personalization: consumers are provided with custom offers and services, which they are likely to enjoy.

Though personalized marketing is a relatively new phenomenon, the demand for personalization isn’t. As studies have confirmed, consumers are after experiences that enhances their control over information overload. Thus, entrepreneurs failing to utilize personalization are seriously jeopardizing their businesses.

Start with Emails

Embarking on a personalized marketing campaign often starts with small steps, like providing personalized emails. On a normal basis, branded emails tend to irk customers, as they rarely contain anything relevant. With a personalized email containing information relevant to a consumer, you can see a higher return on investment.

Add Unique Search Functions

You can also take a leaf out of Amazon’s book by incorporating unique search functions and filters into your website. Should you have a lot of data, you can start presenting product recommendations to users. Otherwise, you can make use of unique search functions, especially if you have an accurate understanding of your target market.

Make Great Use of Facebook

Facebook can give you access to more information about your customers than any other platforms. Make the most out of this platform by integrating Facebook Ads and custom audiences and target ultra-specific groups. You can also make use of Facebook Live to communicate with individual customers in real time.

As people crave for personalized online experiences, the question of whether or not personalized marketing is worth your time should no longer be a question asked.


Are You Investing in Personalized Marketing?, Inc.

Why Personalized Marketing Will Dominate in 2015, Marketing Profs

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