Monday, 8 August 2016

Here Are Some of the Reasons Why Your Facebook Ads Aren’t Working

Brands big and small have already been utilizing Facebook Ads as a way to reach out to over a billion users. In fact, recent studies named Facebook as the most effective social channel for businesses looking for the best results. The challenge, though, is gleaning substantial return on investment from Facebook Ads.

There’s no doubt that marketers are having trouble with seeing results from Facebook Ads, but did you know that these problems are often caused by simple reasons?

Your Ads Aren’t Targeted

Most marketers tend to put their ads in front of people who may or may not care, wasting hard-earned money in the process. Avoid this by focusing on targeting on a micro level, then create relevant offers and content based on this level.

It’s Not in the Right Format

Unlike other platforms, Facebook gives you a rich variety of ad formats. Page Like Ads, Slideshow Ads, Click-to-Website Ads, the list goes on. That’s why if your current ad doesn’t work, perhaps you haven’t found the right format yet.

It Doesn’t Feature Consumers

According to studies, 85 percent of users tend to trust content from other users. With this in mind, try promoting a testimonial video or a case study on Facebook and see how this performs. You can even start crowd-sourcing for cool content ideas.

You Aren’t Retargeting

The idea behind retargeting is that you’re serving ads to users who are familiar with a brand. The same can be done on Facebook, and can even lead to a higher chance of conversion.

You can also try your luck in personalized Facebook ads, offered by companies like Nosto. Through their solutions, you can earn more results and gain substantial ROI out of Facebook Ads.


5 reasons your Facebook Ads aren’t working, Marketing Land

My ads are getting few or no impressions, Facebook Business

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