Monday, 12 September 2016

How to Keep Personalized Marketing Strategies from Being Too Personal

As in most promotional strategies, personalized marketing has its limits.

Although customers are more inclined to respond positively to ads and promotions that use their name or are relevant to their needs, be careful not to go too far and push them away by stepping over their personal boundaries.

Indeed, in the same way that people don’t want their personal space being crowded by strangers or random marketers, they likewise prefer their online world to remain free of things that they consider irrelevant and unnecessary. 

Avoid Collecting Data That’s Not Directly Relevant to Your Consumers

You only need a few details to enhance customer experience, so there’s no need for you to go through each and every consumer’s post and use details, which they reserve for close family and friends, to promote your brand.

For instance, asking fans to share their life story for a 20% discount may be too far-fetched and might turn off potential customers. Your social marketing team may be able to obtain a range of details about your target market, but it doesn’t mean that you can use them for ads without careful consideration of the potential implications, specifically appearing “creepy” or awkward.

Get to Know Your Target Market in the Right Way

When it comes to retargeted ads, surveys showed that majority of online users find them intrusive and annoying. Take note that personalized marketing is always about knowing more about the customer’s preferences and is the start of a successful campaign.

However, “getting to know” your consumers means also carrying out a sentiment analysis that aims to determine how they feel toward brands and specific marketing methods. By doing so, finding effective personalized marketing solutions can be a whole lot easier.


When Personalized Marketing Gets Too Personal,, April 18, 2016

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