Wednesday, 28 September 2016

Three Important Reasons for Sending Personalized Emails to Clients

Most business owners are quick to dismiss the importance of email marketing nowadays, especially when there are a host of other, more interactive means to get in touch with their patrons. However, although people may seem more disinterested with emailed marketing materials, it cannot be denied that there are still a lot of benefits that can be derived from it.

Customer Retention

Company websites are encouraged to have options for subscriptions to newsletters and other materials. Making it optional is important because email users value their privacy very intensely. The last thing anyone would want is to enter a website and then find out that their email had been picked up without them knowing, and the next thing they know, they’re being spammed by all these marketing emails.

Tuesday, 20 September 2016

Marketing Trends: Why Do Consumers Crave Personalized Experiences?

Picture this out.

Isn’t it that between receiving a random gift, say a plain black, leather wallet, versus receiving a leather wallet in your favorite color with your initials imprinted on the inside, the latter is better appreciated?

These days, personalization, from consumer products to online experiences, is vital to maintain engagement and boost a business’ bottom line.

In fact, the latest technological advancements allow people to receive personalized recommendations online, thereby changing their expectations and the way they engage with content.

Monday, 19 September 2016

The Benefits and Advantages of Using Personalized Email for Branding

In all of the email marketing strategies that you take on, the most important component that marketers should be conscious of is how consistent they are in their branding. In a nutshell, this is the careful curation of public image and impression towards your company. 

Monday, 12 September 2016

How to Keep Personalized Marketing Strategies from Being Too Personal

As in most promotional strategies, personalized marketing has its limits.

Although customers are more inclined to respond positively to ads and promotions that use their name or are relevant to their needs, be careful not to go too far and push them away by stepping over their personal boundaries.

Indeed, in the same way that people don’t want their personal space being crowded by strangers or random marketers, they likewise prefer their online world to remain free of things that they consider irrelevant and unnecessary. 

Making Facebook Work for You: How to Master Organic and Paid Reach

Did you notice your Facebook organic reach declining?

That’s because of the changes that Facebook introduced to its News Feed algorithm. Don’t fret, because there are work-arounds that you can recover some of the organic reach that you’ve lost—maybe even boost it.

Establish a unique value proposition for the audience

To keep your Facebook followers interested, you need to provide them with value, and the best way to do that is by consistently posting great, useful content. If your followers find your content useful, they will like, comment, and share your content long after you’ve posted it.

Monday, 5 September 2016

Tips on Using Facebook Ads to Target An Important Demographic: Moms

Millennials are the talk of the town when it comes to marketing. These young, financially capable, and critical thinking generation are usually targeted by brands—sometimes, just because of their sheer volume, and sometimes, because of a true brand match.

For instance, a restaurant may undergo a hip rebranding and make menu items more affordable to appeal to this younger market. A retailer may also come up with marketing campaigns that men and women in their 20s or 30s would respond to.

While these are valid insights and possibly effective strategies to enhance profitability, there’s another group of target customers that brands shouldn’t undermine: mothers. Here are a few things you need to consider: